Project Tags Updates
Clarc introduces Project Tags, a customisable tagging systemto enhance project organisation. Users can create and apply tags for categorising, prioritising tasks, and searching for specific project details.

Unlock the power of organisation with Clarc's Project Tags. Customise, categorise, and prioritise your projects easily, bringing clarity and efficiency to your workspace.
Organize your projects using tags
We've been working on a new tagging system that will make Clarc a more customizable workspace for your projects. Designed to highlight task details, categorize related topics and projects, and prioritize what's important. We are excited to launch Project Tags! ✨

Quickly search, apply or create new tags in an instant
Nobody knows your business better than you do. So we offer Custom Tag groups that allow for any type of categorization. This could be time, size,date, or anything specific to you and your projects. Literally anything!
The Tag Library includes basic actions like search, creat, edit and delete tag groups. Users can also customize the colours and order of tags. So you can create a hierarchy of tags that fit to your needs.

In addition to project tags, you'll also find a new field - "Notes" field in your workspace, which you can use to jot down any important information related to your projects.

We hope you'll find these new features useful for organizing your projects! As always, reach out if you have any questions.