Introducing Clarc’s new User Interface

We’re excited to bring you the new user interface update for Clarc!

men looking at computer

We have released a quick intro video introducing the new User interface the new UI.

While reinforcing all the wonderful feature of Clarc this new update looks to further improve the user experience and make it even easier than ever for professionals to breeze through all your admin tasks.

We have released a quick intro video introducing the new User interface the new UI.

Your Project& Task List

We’ve kept the same core functions of the project function, but given them a fresh new look. The new optimiseed interface makes it a lot easier to see project updates and notes from your team. The collapsible navigation bar frees up even more room for your workspace. This makes functions such as your project task view much easier to manage.

Project Timeline

Our new timeline will help bring clarity to the structure and progress of your projects.


The new timesheet view is gives even more clarity with identifiers to help you see where you’re missing notes and where your live recording is. You can now add new stages within the timesheet page and all time sheet data will now also be able to auto-save to your report.


The updated interface makes it easy to both send and receive invoices all within Clarc. Received invoices appear directly when sent from another Clarc user, or you can upload other received invoices for your own records.

Overall, the new modern aesthetic is something we hope everyone will enjoy and will improve the entire Clarc experience.

We will be releasing more tutorials soon to introduce more useful features of the new interfaces so stay tuned!

The Clarc team.